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The View from Bloke's T-18 During Formation Maneuvering

Lone Star Wing pilot Jimmy Page attended the Redstar Pilot's Association formation clinic held at Lancaster, TX (KLNC) this weekend.  Col. Page reports a great time was had by all despite the lack of Stearman instructors and his inability to fly the Stearman in formation training.  He attended the excellent groundschool put on by the RPA, rode along side Chris "Bloke" Maurer in his Thorp T-18 during formation operations (the picture attached to this post is from that flight), and accomplished his CAF recurrency flight with CAF Chief Operating Officer (and Stearman instructor), David Oliver.  In addition, Col. Page was able to add an acrobatic endorsement to his CAF pilot rating.  Col. Page had a full couple of days and has returned home with a head full of new experiences and knowledge to ponder.  After seeing formation flying in person, he is excited to actually train in the Stearman.  The LSW hopes to see him have the opportunity at some point in the future.

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